Footwear survey results
13th September 2022
We asked our audience to be involved in the hot topic of footwear!! Shoes, I mean who doesn’t love new shoes? But there is a reasoning behind why we buy new shoes- this blog will go into our audience’s thoughts on the footwear topic from our recent survey.

The results show that 67.1% of people are buying shoes once per year, which is quite a long time, but this depends on the lasting condition of shoes. If you keep purchasing shoes the pile will continue to build up. This is shown from 81.5% of individuals owning 7+ pairs of shoes which is a significantly huge amount.
How often do you buy shoes?

Shoes are usually long lasting, but overtime what is the real reason for you to get rid of your shoes? The result shows 70.5% individuals get rid due to the shoes being ‘Worn out’. There are many reasons shoes wear out overtime, washing is a big one. Let’s be honest if you keep washing your shoes regularly this will decrease the lifetime of the shoes in the long run.
However, there are several reasons to why we wash our shoes: is it to clean? Is it to make them smell fresh? Well, if that is the case, if you use shoes which have been Micro-Fresh’d this wouldn’t be an issue. Revivo who renew shoes which have been worn, are also refreshing the shoes by treating them with Micro-Fresh® giving the shoes a newly fresh feel.
How many shoes do you own?

Why do you get rid of shoes?

Lastly, disposing shoes. 54% of individuals said they donate their shoes. This is a great way to get rid of shoes, this way you are helping those who are in need and shoes that still have some life in them, aren’t going to waste. Although hygiene isn’t considered, we sometimes may forget the effect this may have, such as spreading bacteria onto one another. Did you know? If shoes are treated with Micro-Fresh® shoes are protected against up to 99.99% of bacteria.

How do you dispose of your shoes?

Don’t forget to head over to our footwear page to read about where Micro-Fresh® began!
Author: Sonia Popat, Digital Marketing Executive
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