Fresh Thinking- World of an Antimicrobial

Tell us a bit about Micro-Fresh®, its success to date, impact on the market and USP 

For the last 15 years, Micro-Fresh® technology has helped millions of people to enjoy the freshness of a brand-new product for longer. Micro-Fresh® began life as an innovative formula that solved the problem of fungal growth during the transit of retail goods. 15 years later, our multi-award-winning technology is used by major retailers and manufacturers in 44 countries around the world to achieve lifetime product freshness. 

What is Micro-Fresh®? 

Micro-Fresh® is an invisible ingredient that keeps products feeling clean and fresh and never wears out or washes out. Applied during the manufacturing process, on everything from soft furnishings and footwear to baby bedding and medical scrubs, Micro-Fresh® prevents bacteria from growing, spreading and surviving on textiles and surfaces. No bacteria means no odours, which reduces the need for intensive cleaning and extends the lifespan of products. 
In summary, Micro-Fresh® technology is: 
• Anti-fungal 
• Anti-viral 
(after tests with De Montfort University - 2020) 
• Anti-dust mite 
• Anti-allergenic 
• Highly durable 
(over 90%* efficacy after 50 washes) 

Micro-Fresh® is Sustainable 

Micro-Fresh® has no negative affect on the environment. It’s fully biodegradable, contains no harsh chemicals, it’s vegan friendly and free from nanotechnology. In terms of ongoing usage, Micro-Fresh® means: 
• Fewer washes 
• Less water and detergent 
• Lower temperature washes 
• Less energy consumption 
• Reduced carbon footprint 
By constantly evolving our technology we continue to take significant steps towards fulfilling  
our commitment to sustainability. 

Why did you want to partner up with Grahame Gardner as a company? 

Having seen Micro-Fresh® technology in action, Grahame Gardner identified the opportunity to leverage the Micro-Fresh® brand in their ‘GG Scrubs’ range across hospitals, vets’ practices and dental surgeries. 
Micro-Fresh® has been in John Lewis ‘Baby and Nursery Bedding’ since 2015, and is renowned for being safe for babies. Given this sensitivity, the move to working with a brand such as Grahame Gardner, who uphold the highest standards of protection and hygiene with products for use in controlled environments, dovetails wholly with our ideology here at Micro-Fresh®. 

What are you hoping this relationship adds to your business? 

The partnership with Grahame Gardner presented us with a unique opportunity in a new market sector. 
In light of our mission to provide lasting protection and freshness for all, and for Grahame Gardner to provide high-quality protective footwear & clothing to professional service providers, we recognised the great fit between our brands. To this end we’re looking forward to working together ever more closely to leverage the partnership, ultimately to the benefit of Grahame Gardner’s customers. 

What are your future plans for Micro-Fresh®? 

In terms of future focus we’re striving to be the go-to brand for freshness, sustainability and longevity, providing the essential ingredient to preserve and prolong the freshness of products. 
Ultimately, our vision is to create a Micro-Fresh'd world. 
In a wider business context, we want to support entrepreneurship. For instance, we’re proud to be a case study in the Government’s ‘Help to Grow’ scheme, which supports SMEs, advising their owners on how to upscale their operations in the UK. 
We’re also fulfilling our obligation as an appointed Export Champion to provide advice to local SME’s. This includes promoting the Department for International Trade’s (DIT) ‘Made in the UK, Sold to the World’ campaign, to showcase UK businesses excelling into overseas markets. 
To that end, Micro-Fresh® CEO Byron Dixon OBE has just returned from a DIT ‘UK Tech Mission’ trip to New York, where he featured on the famous big screen on the Nasdaq Building in Times Square. 
Needless to say, an exciting future lies ahead for us here at Micro-Fresh®. 
QUOTE: “The Micro-Fresh® team are proud to partner Grahame Gardner on the ‘Scrubs’ project. It’s reassuring to know that Micro-Fresh’d GG scrubs are making a significant difference, protecting the health & wellbeing of much-valued medical professionals.” 
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