May is National Allergy and Asthma month in the UK. Allergies adversely affect up to 21 million people in the UK. Unfortunately, there’s no known lifetime cure. Dust mites are one of the most common allergy causes, known to affect more than 50 million atopic (sensitivity to allergic reactions) individuals. As tiny bugs, they’re invisible to the naked eye, but the symptoms that they cause such as itchiness, sneezing, and a runny nose certainly remind you that they’re very much there! 
Proven Relief 
In the case of dust mites, they love to harbour within soft furnishings such as pillows and mattresses. However, as we know there’s no proven cure for allergies - but there are effective anti-allergy solutions that can help to relieve sufferers’ symptoms. One such solution is Micro-Fresh® technology. Micro-Fresh® can help keep your bedding products fresher for longer. 
Good News 
The good news for allergy sufferers is that relief is available in various forms that help to alleviate symptoms. If you’re an allergy sufferer, look out for products that offer anti-allergy properties. Needless to say, the benefits far outweigh the small premium that you pay for the solution. 
Author: Sonia Popat, Digital Marketer 
¹ Source: AAFA. Dust Mite Allergy. 
² Source: Allergy UK. House Dust Mite Allergy. 
³ Source: Allergy UK. Micro-Fresh 2611. 
⁴ Source: Dzoro, S et al. House dust mites as potential carries for igE sensitization to bacterial antigens. 
⁵ Source: James. Hypoallergenic Pillows. 
⁶ Source: NHS. Allergies. 
⁷ Source: R. Morgan Griffin. Allergy Statistics and facts. 
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