Dare to be great
We are over halfway through the challenge, and with all the noise we don’t want you to miss anyone’s efforts! Let’s reminisce on the past two weeks.  
Micro-Fresh in Gym
Bike training #Beatthesweat
#beatthesweat gym
still smelling fresh

Let's set the record straight  

Our #BeatTheSweat challenge is testing our technology in sportswear. We have asked participants to not wash their Micro-Fresh sports t-shirt for the 30 days, and some are confused. If you are worried about being a heavy sweater, don’t! Micro-Fresh will keep your sports t-shirt smelling fresher for longer. 
Our technology delivers! This is why we say, in order for you to believe us, you need to see it for yourself.  
#beattheweat campaign post
#beatthesweat comments
We have surprised Chris and blown him away by our technology, and he’s not the only one! 

Plank you 

So far, we have set the plank challenge, and you all raised the bar. Plank you for your pics! 
#beatthesweat plank
#beatthesweat plank
#beatthesweat plank
#beatthesweat plank

 We're not finished yet... 

There are two more weeks to go, so push even harder and put our t-shirt to the test! Keep those workouts up, #DareToBeGreat and #BeatTheSweat! 
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